Purchase the paperback book or E-book of “From Frustration to Funny in 10 Seconds Flat”
“Laughter is carbonated holiness.“ ~ Anne Lamott
“Vicki’s positive, humorous energy is contagious.“
~ Oprah, if she had ever seen Vicki
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LET Vicki Hannah Lein, MS Counseling, International Speaker, Author, Award-Winning Educational Consultant, and Creativity Recovery Specialist, ignite your group with radical optimism.
“Vicki is truly one of a kind. She has enlivened and enthused conferences of international educators for years. I first met her in Africa and subsequently brought her to conferences in Rio and Quito. Her enthusiasm and overcoming of personal obstacles is truly heroic.”
-Paul Poore, Director, Association of American Schools of South America
Book Vicki for your event and you will have fun becoming more: Resourceful, Resilient, and Resistant to Anyone’s Bad Attitude.
Ode to Blindness

Watch this testimonial from Asher College graduation in Sacramento. Vicki gave a keynote address and ‘Wowed’ the audience.
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”
~Helen Keller, blind & deaf educator
“Compost happens.
Will we shake our fist at the sky and complain, or will we choose to laugh, learn and get on with it?”
There is nothing inherently funny about going blind or watching your beloved mother die of breast cancer. But it is in those moments, when our hope is most threatened, that we need to be able to find some unbreakable force with in us. That force can be and often is humor. Throw in some inspiring music, and you will find inner resources that will surprise you.
Vicki Hannah Lein will aid you and your organization in choosing optimism, resilience, innovation, and vitality. She will do this with humor, music, and fun.
“I have never witnessed anyone so full of belly-laughter wisdom along with deeply-illuminating truth of our shared stories. Vicki shines the light on our common humanity like no one else on the planet. Don’t miss any opportunity you can to experience this amazingly talented and brilliant soul — she will change the way you see!”
~Marcia Jaffe, Founder/Chair of the Bali Institute for Global Renewal, Ubud, Bali/Sausalito, California
This is What Finding the Funny Faster Looks Like:
Saying YES! to Reality and Then Finding the Gift

Still a Rose – sample Still a Rose
When your petal falls, You’re Still a rose
My grandson, who has Down Syndrome, is also still a rose;
in fact, he’s a peach!
My song for him:
“He’s comfortable in his own skin.
He knows how to let love out
And he knows how to let love in.
I spent 30 years in therapy
Trying to be just like him.
This baby with the extra chromosome,
This baby with the extra chromosome,
This baby who knows, wherever he goes
He’s always at home.”
This is What Finding the Funny Faster Sounds Like
Women’s Wellness – In the basque language the word “comparison” means “little murder.” Find the Funny Faster and stop comparing your body to anyone else’s. No Bad Body Talk! No Bad Body Talk!!
Gwyneth Paltrow GwynethPaltrow
I am Woman I am Woman – At first I was devastated and then I started collecting funny stories. You, too, can move from devastation to funny with time and practice.
Change and Loss – Going blind? All of us are on a blind walk of sorts. Here is advice on how to Find the Funny Faster:
If You Go Blind Today Ode to Blindness
“Vicki has my RESPECT!” ~Rodney Dangerfield, if he had ever seen Vicki